Thursday, March 18, 2010


 It's not a PTC or PTR site. Just a networking.

GeoString pays you for each person you refer, and each person they refer! This trend takes place through 10 full levels of referrals with unlimited width. Your FREE income potential with GeoString is unlimited and with no costs to you!

10 $ Signup bonus and payout only check when you reaches $100 

Click Here To Signup


  1. What do you think are your chances of reaching the GeoString payout in this lifetime are? Unfortunately, I doubt I'll ever make it to $100 unless my referrals really turn out to be very remarkable individuals!

  2. Hi, GeoString is relatively quite a new website to take a chance from, it requires a lot of referrals and I feel their FAQ is very incomplete, I am sure you also must have read their faq, which really does not say, how does each referral will benefit us, sort of MLM or so called Matrix.
